With the rapid advancements in Al in recent years, it has become more difficult to spot whether or not a person you are seeing in a video is real. This is unlike in the past where it was more obvious to the naked eyes.
Where it may have taken an expert within a technical software or a camera, it is now available for a novice to manipulate an image of a relative who is deceased into a video of them speaking through a phone application.
Manipulated video can cause several obvious issues. The apprehension on deep stakes has been in existence for a while. In 2018, we interrogated whether videos would be able to be deciphered as fake or real after deepfakes emerged on the internet for the first time.
Deep fakes have caused an uproar, from revenge porn and public safety to even fake news. It has been reported that deep fakes can be a threat to the security of a nation. The regulation of such technology requires the law to be in tune and responsive to evolving and trends. New laws regulating the use of deep fakes are important for people who are victims of damaging videos and images.