Vaping Product Regulations

Vaping has overrun the tobacco world by storm for the past few years. It offered a choice for those quitting cigarettes with the help of Vape stockists, without the withdrawal symptoms. Today, 33% of adults vape to quit cigarettes, and 11.5% of them were ex-smokers who use vape as an alternative.

It may be better than smoking, but its entire safety is still in question with the lack of research for long-term effects. Most of the problem lies in the quality of the vape products sold in Canada. Still, the federal government has the power to regulate these products. The following are laws created by the government to ensure the safety of vape consumers:

  • Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA)

The TVPA applies the regulations from the previous Tobacco Act on vaping products as well. The law wishes to prevent nicotine addiction in Canadians, especially the youth. It gives the government the power to impose rules for industry reporting, manufacturing standards, and the like. The law has put restrictions on flavors in nicotine vape juices in several areas in Canada.

  • Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA)

The CCPSA also holds the regulations for vaping product retails as it aims to control product safety for Canadians. This law works hand in hand with the TVPA to carefully ensure vapes to be sold. It allows the government to carry out inspections on all vape products and recalls or carry out other measures for products that fail to meet the standards of both laws.

  • Food and Drugs Act (FDA)

Health Canada oversees consumable products under this law to prevent Canadians from consuming harmful products. These products include vapes which claim to be an aid for quitting cigarettes. Before it could enter the market, Health Canada reviews its safety, effectiveness, and of course, quality requirements attentively to authorize its promotion, retail, and importation.

  • Non-smokers’ Health Act (NSHA)

The secondhand smoking issue also applies to vapor from these vaping products. Materials such as nicotine and other toxins that cause cancer are found in vapors passed secondhand. The NSHA protects non-smokers by restricting the use of nicotine products in federally regulated places.

  • Cannabis Act

Since October 2019, vaping products that have cannabis have been approved by the Canadian government for public use. These products go under the Cannabis Act regulation, which prohibits minors from consuming such products. Vaping products that contain cannabis have more stringent measures for regulations as it poses risks for non-smokers.

Final Words

While vaping is great for recreation and stress relieving for adults, it is always best to keep it in moderation. It is also best to keep an eye on the product you use to avoid harm. This is why the government offers you security, so you don’t have to stress about the products you consume.

The safety of each citizen is the duty of this government, even if it is in the products they consume. It makes it necessary to pass such laws for products that could cause harm to its citizens. Their goodwill is a source of each citizen’s well-being in Canada.

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